美國Touch of Mink 貂寶 貂油原液 精華液 (乳油木之家) 特價3000元 | ihergo愛合購
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在 2012/5/30  5:21 am 發表

美國Touch of Mink 貂寶 貂油原液 mink oil

(乳油木之家,原價7500以上) 保濕, 淡斑, 修復精華液
Touch of Mink 貂油原液 , 內含95%貂油與 5% 維他命E

2 oz (約60ml) Mink Oil Concentree : 特價$3000元
*使用心得參考: http://www.urcosme.com/boards/board2-a381668-b2.htm (請複製貼上)




*****為什麼美國貂油原液是淡黃色的....以下是我們詢問原廠公司得到的回覆 :

 Our Mink Oil used to be clear in its appearance but has changed within the past year or so. The reason for this yellowish tint is due to the refining stages. We decided not to put it through the vigorous bleaching process which would have made it clear but also would’ve weakened the formula. Although the appearance has changed, the product itself has actually improved. The results and feedback from our customers is better than ever. Let me know if you have any further questions. Thanks and have a wonderful day.

Touch of Mink

 Customer Service Rep


(翻譯如下: 以往的貂油是呈透明無色的 貂油在精製過程中本身就會呈黃色 他們取消掉以往的漂白過程以避免原有的化性被破壞 雖然外觀上有所改變 然而功效更好了 使用者的反應也較以往好)



